Cannabis: Several Fun Facts
- by Carol

Almost no one over the age of 20 has never tried marijuana at least once. Marijuana is now legal in some states, and most people know about it. But most people don’t know much about pot besides how to roll and smoke joints. So, let’s take a moment to talk about some interesting facts about marijuana. You’ll have a good time, we promise.
Cannabis has a long history.
Cannabis has been around for thousands of years, even though most people think it was only found in the 1960s. In ancient China, cannabis seeds were used to make food, oil, rope, and clothes.
As China traded with Africa, Europe, and the Middle East, the number of people who used cannabis grew. People first used the plant to make paper and later medicine.
Some parts of the United States don’t allow cannabis, but others do, primarily for medical reasons. Lawmakers set the limits by comparing THC and CBD, both of which come from cannabis.
There are over 200 cannabis slang terms.
Besides “grass,” “weed,” and “pot,” there are more than 200 slang terms for cannabis. The English call it “gasper stick,” but the people of Latin America call it “Caracas.”
Soldiers in the Vietnam War also gave cannabis a name. Because it made them act strangely, they called marijuana their “dinky down cigarette.”
The “Doomsday Vault”
After you check here, you will learn that one of the most exciting things about cannabis is its “Doomsday Vault.” It’s a secret room full of cannabis seeds and seeds for other kinds of plants. The vault is on the island of Svalbard, which is halfway between Norway and the North Pole.
The Doomsday Vault opened in 2008, but the idea behind it has been around since the 1980s. Carly Fowler, who was the executive director of the Crop Trust, made the vault store backups of different seed samples. The seed samples are kept safe by being frozen in the vault.
Surprisingly, one of the biggest seed deposits came to the vault in 2020. There were over 60,000 seed samples accepted from 36 different groups and countries.
The first online purchase.
Before you could order weed from a Silt, CO dispensary online in advance, did you know what the first thing that was bought and sold over the internet was? The answer is marijuana. In 1971, a group of Stanford students made the first online transaction. It focused on cannabis as the main item.
The students are said to have bought marijuana online from MIT students. Some people say that it’s the other way around, that MIT students buy marijuana from Stanford students.
The same as chocolate high.
Did you know that eating chocolate makes you feel the same way as smoking marijuana? The first one is not as strong as the second one, but it can do the same if enough of it is used. Both chocolate and marijuana from an Aspen, Colorado weed dispensary bind to receptors in the brain that cause anandamide to be released. It’s a chemical in your brain that makes you feel better.
Cannabis has been grown and used for a very long time. Only recently has marijuana use been made illegal, given a bad name, and the subject of supposed facts and myths about marijuana addiction. This exciting history and the research that followed have given us a lot of material for funny and interesting marijuana facts. There is much more to learn about this vital and mysterious plant, from funny and silly trivia to interesting facts.
Almost no one over the age of 20 has never tried marijuana at least once. Marijuana is now legal in some states, and most people know about it. But most people don’t know much about pot besides how to roll and smoke joints. So, let’s take a moment to talk about some interesting facts about…

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